Thursday, October 8, 2009

National conference

Last weekend, I went to one of our national conferences, SAM (Strategic Autum Meeting).
This is a conference where all the executive boards from 48 Local Committees come together to have a mid term meeting. There where around 300 people attending this conference.

For me this conference was so extraordinary because of the people. Meeting all the people that have taken the challenge to be in the executive board, to challenge themselves as a team to lead their local committees.

Most of the people I had already met on the first national conference at the beginning of our term, the NKK (National KickOff Conference). Then began our journey and now we met again. Every one of them has gained experiences in the past 6 months; some of them were great and some were not so good, but this is excatly what made me went to be a local committee president. I wanted to challenge myself. To grow futher. Until now I, as well as all the others, have grown in areas such as:

leading a team, celebrating success, acepting failure, facing problems one after another, feeling tired of the job, feeling not understood, feeling hungry for more etc.

And we are just in the middel of our journey, still 6 months to go to gain more experience and to grow further.

"Why not?" are the words that really touched me on this conference. A very challenging statement from our Member Commite President Gesa.

When was the last time you challenged yourself?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ken, great post! I can very much relate to what you are saying... I am kind of sad that our term will only last for another 6 months...

    But, I am so much looking forward to seeing you guys at the LCP's winter summit!
