Dear readers,
First of all, I want to use the chance to thank Nicolas, Local Committee President from Münster, for lately admitting me for this blog, as I have not been belonging to the initial group of LCPs who wanted to start this – I am now here because I feel the will and motivation to share my thoughts and beliefs to you as well…
Just to shortly introduce myself: My name is Johannes Köhn, I am the Local Committee President of my lovely AIESEC & IAESTE Local Committee at TU Berlin. I have been elected in November 2008 and started my term then in March 2009. In 2008, I was Organizing Committee President (OCP) for the issue-based project Energy Forum on production and distribution of energy - concerning renewable and conventional energy sources. Before that, I was member of the Incoming Exchange Team (ICX) at TU Berlin, being responsible for getting available traineeship positions in Berlin companies and finding trainees that fit to the requirements.
I study industrial engineering since the winter semester 2006/2007 at the TU Berlin when I also joined AIESEC; in October, my 7th semester will start already. Also, I have a lovely girlfriend coming from Finland and a lovely family living right outside of Berlin.
Now, here it comes: Manager? Or Leader? Or both? This question often comes to my mind when reflecting about my job and what I do in AIESEC… In a first step, one of course has to define what a manager and leader actually is. I will skip this, as I don’t believe there is a universal definition and the terms are much interconnected. To me, it is more important how I fulfill my responsibilities to my stakeholder!
But still there is the question of what I am? Am I rather a manager, as I plan and organize meetings, set up agendas, do strategic planning, get together with companies, write tons of e-mails, have telephone conferences with the AIESEC network? Or am I a leader, because I stand in front of my Local Committee and talk about what leadership means to me, because I want to motivate my team and my LC, represent my LC at national level in taskforces or at conferences, because I want to have an impact on the development of people, being a role model?
I think that one cannot be just a manager OR a leader – there is always the need to have qualities of both in order to be successful. The one cannot go without the other.
I believe that the true question lies within finding the answer to how you should prioritize your both roles as a manager and a leader – what comes first in what situation! To me, I have sometimes the feeling that I am a little bit more the manager for my LC, as it is my environment and the situation that ask me to be this. It is always a balancing act, as there is no obvious right or wrong…
Finally, I wanted to share those thoughts to you; talk to me if you want to share your thoughts as well.
All the best for you and many greetings to my Local Committee you see on the picture below! :-)